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Script draft, photo order form, supply requisition forms, notes regarding exhibit and contracting costs, invoices, photocopy of article from Smithsonian Magazine, memo regarding phone conversations, script excerpt, draft for exhibit panels, correspondence regarding exhibit installation, credits for exhibit video, memo regarding pay for video producer, cost estimates for brochure printing, press submission form, special event request form, rights and reproduction requests, copy of loan agreement, calendar of events, drafts of invitation opening, draft of typography booklet, draft confirmation packet, list of loan items, sketches of paper artwork, routing and transmittal slips, notes for exhibit poster, Christmas card, exhibit label drafts, sketches for slideshow
Photocopies of newspaper and magazine articles about Lou and Di Stovall, Workshop Inc. overview, program from Miami-Dade Library, flyers, script excerpts, biographies, exhibit catalog drafts, notes regarding Christmas cards, routing and transmittal slips, opening invitation, press submission form, catalog printing request forms, submission form for American Film Festival, exhibition flyers, notes from the suggestion box
Narration script draft, memo regarding proposal for exhibition film, proposal for Lou Stovall film, estimated film costs, outline of things to-do for exhibition, travel schedule, memo seeking telecommunication services, memo regarding film editors, correspondence with quotes, resume update, resume, notes on Office for Public Affairs, photocopies of sketches for slides, copy of video script, biographies, narration script, filming schedule, memo and outline for slide show
Artifact lists, list of loaned items, note regarding publication, memo regarding Workshop Inc., note for overdue research materials, brochure for Cover America, correspondence regarding outline for slide show soundtrack, correspondence regarding slide show, exhibition checklist, interview transcript with Lou Stovall, proposals for slide show, sketches of slide show, slide show outline, to do list for exhibition planning, overview of Workshop Inc., press submission form with catalogue draft, invitation draft, requests for photographic services, notes for exhibition installation, contact sheet, memo regarding supplies and materials for exhibition, draft correspondence, meeting notes, list of expenses, teacher's packet draft, calendar of events, script draft