New Thing Jazz Workshop, The Lloyd McNeill Quartet

Object Details

Lloyd McNeill
c. 1967
lithograph on paper
16 15/16 × 11 in. (43.1 × 27.9 cm)
Cite As
Anacostia Community Museum, Smithsonian Institution.
This poster promoted Lloyd McNeill’s talents both as a musician in his Quartet Jazz Workshop and as the artistic creator of the print. McNeill was a professor at the time, teaching Fine Arts and African-American Music History at Howard University and at the New Thing Art & Architecture Center in Washington, D.C. At the New Thing, the multidisciplinary and active learning practices of workshops aimed to empower the community to reimagine the urban cultural landscape. McNeill embodied these ideals, pursuing creativity in all its forms and giving others the tools to do the same.
Este póster promocionaba el talento de Lloyd McNeill tanto como músico integrante de un cuarteto de jazz como realizador de grabado. McNeill se desempeñaba entonces como profesor de bellas artes y de historia de la música afroamericana en la Universidad Howard y en el New Thing Art & Architecture Center de Washington D.C. En el New Thing, los talleres multidisciplinares y de aprendizaje participativo tenían como objetivo animar a la comunidad a reimaginar el paisaje cultural urbano. McNeill encarnó estos ideales, persiguiendo la creatividad en todas sus formas y brindando a otros las herramientas para hacer lo mismo.
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Anacostia Community Museum Collection
Data Source
Anacostia Community Museum
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